The Lindus Institute
The Lindus Institute
President/Executive Director - Kathleen Agena:
Kathleen Agena has served with the United Nations Environment Program, U.S. Steering Committee for the United Nations World Conservation Strategy, U.N. Economic and Social Council, UNICEF, U.N. Special Sessions on Disarmament, U.S.A.I.D., Council on Economic Priorities, World Bank, and International Council on Educational Development.
Ms. Agena has written on foreign affairs, the environment, human rights, and culture for the New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Sun-Times, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Albany Times Union, and Hearst News Network.
Intern: Andrew Mitchell
B.A. Political Science
Dartmouth College
Board of Advisers:
Michael Tip ( a "Lost Boy of Sudan")
Meridian Management Boston
Dickel Dia, Founder AFPHY Mauritania
for gender equality for women in education and economics.
Fellow, Institute for Economics & Peace
African Union, Saleema Ambassador
Caleb Mulu, CEO Solanexx Boston
Bacteriologist-Molecular Biologist
B.S. Old Dominion University
Contact Us:
30 Cambridge Park Drive #1107
Cambridge, MA 02140
The Lindus Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity registered with the Internal Revenue Service. EIN #: 11-3824369. Donations to The Lindus Institute can be claimed as tax exemptions.